Benefits of eating fish

 Do you know the benefits of eating fish?

Cardiovascular diseases account for the highest number of deaths worldwide each year.

The term heart disease is used to refer to problems related to the health of the heart, including heart attack, irregular heartbeat, stroke, or any type of damage to different parts of the organ.

But eating fish can protect against heart disease.

A study published in the journal Circulation found that people who have close relatives with heart disease can reduce their risk of heart disease by eating fish more often.

The study examined data from 40,000 people who were protected from heart disease.

The health of these people was evaluated for several years during which around 8 thousand were diagnosed with heart diseases.

The levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the body of these individuals were also checked.
​In fact, it was discovered that a family history of heart disease increases an individual's risk of developing these diseases by 25%.

Similarly, the risk of heart disease increases by 40% due to lack of omega-3 fatty acids in the body.

Fish contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which our bodies are unable to produce naturally.

Researchers said that heart disease is also hereditary to some extent, but along with genes, lifestyle factors also play a role.
He said the results suggest that the risk of family history of heart disease can be reduced by eating fish.

He said that the risk of heart disease can be predicted by the level of fatty acids in the blood.

According to researchers, eating fish increases the amount of fatty acids in the body, which reduces the risk of heart disease.


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