Nightmares are a sign of a serious illness, scientists reveal

Nightmares are a sign of a serious illness, scientists reveal


Everyone dreams, but now scientists have revealed why most people have nightmares.

In fact, nightmares can be an early symptom of an autoimmune disease.

In autoimmune diseases, our body's immune system attacks healthy cells.

This claim was revealed in a medical study conducted in the UK

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A Cambridge University study found that terrifying dreams are one of the most common and early symptoms of the skin disease lupus.

The study included 676 patients with lupus, of whom one-third reported having nightmares a year before other symptoms of the disease appeared.

Research findings suggest that dreams and the brain's immune system are linked.

"We've known for a long time that personality changes we see in dreams are linked to physical, neurological and mental health, and are often an early sign of disease," the researchers said


Nightmares are a sign of a serious illness, scientists reveal

But this is the first evidence that nightmares can help us monitor a serious autoimmune disease like lupus, he added.

Lupus is a disease whose cause is still unknown and often begins between the ages of 15 and 45 and is lifelong.

Diagnosing and treating it is no less of a challenge as symptoms such as nightmares or hallucinations are often reluctance to talk about.

The study also reported that nightmares are also seen in people with joint pain, another autoimmune disease.

Such unusual symptoms also indicate that the severity of the disease is increasing and treatment is needed, the researchers said.

He further informed that lupus is a disease that affects many organs of the body including the brain.

During this disease, the body's immune system becomes overactive and attacks healthy cells, causing swelling and pain in any part such as the brain, heart, joints, muscles, kidneys, liver, and lungs.

According to the researchers, the results have revealed evidence that will help doctors diagnose the disease.


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