5 Common Early Symptoms of Liver Damage

 5 Common Early Symptoms of Liver Damage

5 Common Early Symptoms of Liver Damage
5 Common Early Symptoms of Liver Damage

Liver is the largest internal organ of the body which performs many functions.
It controls blood clots, removes toxins from the blood, helps in the production of acidic fluids and much more.
But due to lifestyle habits or any disease, the liver gets damaged and its functions decrease.
In fact, various liver diseases are very common all over the world and if left untreated, they prove fatal.
According to experts, there are several types of liver diseases that affect liver function.
Fatty liver, hepatitis and other diseases also have specific symptoms, but in some cases they do not appear.
According to experts, most of the signs and symptoms do not appear until the liver is severely damaged.
So how do you know if the liver is not healthy? So experts have given 5 most common early warning signs in this regard.

Yellowing of the skin or eyes

According to experts, the most common symptom of liver disease is yellowing of the skin or the whites of the eyes, also known as jaundice.

This happens when the body has too much bilirubin, a compound produced during the breakdown of red blood cells.

This compound is eliminated from the body through the liver, but when the amount is too high, jaundice is experienced and liver problems are indicated.

Dark colored urine despite adequate water intake.Dark colored urine is often not a cause for concern, but rather an indication that you should drink more water.

But even when suffering from liver diseases, the color of urine becomes dark.

This is due to the increase in the amount of bilirubin in the body, which turns the color of urine dark orange or brown.

If you drink enough water and still have dark urine, it could be a sign of liver disease

5 Common Early Symptoms of Liver Damage
5 Common Early Symptoms of Liver Damage


Mental confusion

We all forget things sometimes, but significant changes in mental state should never be ignored.

It can also be a sign of liver problems or another disease.

If you are experiencing sudden mental confusion or mental problems, it may also be a sign of liver failure.

People with this disease experience mental confusion, feeling drowsy during awakening or other mental changes.

Swelling of the legs, ankles or abdomen

Well, it is not necessarily due to liver problems, but swelling of the legs and feet can be an indication of something wrong in the body.

In case of problems in the liver, the blood flow to this organ is affected and the pressure in the veins increases.

Increased pressure in the veins causes fluid to accumulate in the legs and stomach, resulting in swelling in these parts of the body.

Bleeding profusely

Bruises or bleeds easily when the liver is injured.

The liver makes proteins that help the blood to clot, so when liver function is affected, blood flow is increased.


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